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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/4/20 21:57:49


                  Archaize metal tile can be used for our house roof materials, its good performance advantages more beautiful appearance, is a lot of people like building materials, of course, in the process of using the surface can not find some of the problems, such as metal tile brittle, what is going on?


                  Antique metal tiles are soft and suitable for all roof requirements. Suitable for geometric and anisotropic roofing systems, easy to carry and cut, no waste of raw materials. Antique metal tile as auxiliary parts of steel structure, it is forbidden to tread, in the process of roof handling and lifting, in accordance with the correct operation method, the normal bending deformation of metal tile will not cause damage to antique metal tile.


                  Good metal tile in addition to the selection of high quality uv film and resin, its production curing degree is also an important factor. After testing, high quality antique metal tile curing degree is very high; The internal molecular structure is approximately uniform network structure. Structure is very stable, not easy to be affected by external ultraviolet light, water vapor, acid and alkali substances. Because after the antique metal tile curing degree, its hardness and mechanical strength will be very high, and will be relatively fragile.



                  Archaize metal tile as a building material, it must first have a certain stiffness and bending strength, in order to ensure that the deformation under the action of external force is small. In this way, the failure of sealant and waterproofing treatment caused by external forces can be avoided, and leakage can be effectively prevented. Many antique metal tile manufacturers add plasticizer in antique metal tile to increase the toughness of antique metal tile.


                  How can antique metal shingles be brittle? Above is the problem solved, although someone says this material price is prep above cement tile, but its use time and use ability are prep above cement tile apparently, it is the material with high cost performance so. For more information, you can consult www.matsuonline.com!
