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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/6/7 17:57:31


                1. the adhesion, toughness and corrosion resistance of different primers of color steel plate are different. Epoxy resin has good adhesion to substrate and high corrosion resistance, but its toughness is not as good as other primers. Polyester has good adhesion and toughness to the substrate, but its corrosion resistance is not as good as epoxy resin. Polyurethane is a kind of primer with good comprehensive properties. The primer of color steel plate is usually selected by the supplier according to the production process, application, corrosion of the service environment and the matching relationship with the finish paint.

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                2. the corrosion resistance of color steel plate usually increases with the increase of coating thickness. When ordering, the coating thickness shall be determined according to the corrosion, service life, durability and other factors of the service environment.


                The function of the color coated plate is provided by the materials constituting each layer of the color coated plate. The steel plate layer mainly bears the role of stiffness and strength; The zinc coating has the functions of improving the adhesion between the coating and the substrate and preventing corrosion; The bottom layer shall have the functions of corrosion resistance, heat resistance, weather resistance, processability and appropriate color;

                彩钢板表面涂∑层除具有涂层功能外,还具有「防粉化、防剥落、耐磨、硬度适中、光泽度和色调等功能。铁模㊣ 板主要强调外观效果。其组别多样,色彩绚丽,包括金属类、珠宝类、印染类和不规则点阵,突出其造型创意和环境协调性。

                In addition to the coating function, the surface coating of color steel plate also has the functions of anti chalking, anti peeling, wear resistance, moderate hardness, gloss and tone. The iron formwork mainly emphasizes the appearance effect. Its groups are diverse and colorful, including metal, jewelry, printing and dyeing and irregular lattice, highlighting its modeling creativity and environmental coordination.


                So what should we pay attention to when using color steel plate?


                1. the color steel plate shall be installed with fasteners, which shall be fixed on the purlin with self tapping screws, and each purlin shall be provided with fasteners.


                2. place a color coated plate on the fixed part, and then press it with the bottom groove of the middle rib and inner rib of each fixed part to make it fully engage.


                3. steel pipe × Two 4m long pipes shall be erected on 3M scaffold, and four wheels shall be erected on each scaffold to facilitate propulsion.


                4. color coated panels shall first be installed on the inner layer of the roof.


                5. according to the technical requirements, each wave crest shall be fixed with a 30mm long special self tapping screw, and the color of the nut shall be consistent with that of the color plate.


                6. lay insulating cotton and seal the insulating cotton joint with special tape


                The above is the color steel plate manufacturer http://www.matsuonline.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call us for consultation!
