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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/4/19 0:30:25


                  Color steel sandwich plate the performance of this material is very good, in many aspects are also reflected, especially its heat transfer, but many people do not know its heat transfer is good, let's take a look.


                  Color steel sandwich board has better heat transfer, at room temperature under the case, its heat transfer characteristics than the rest of the heat insulation board heat transfer much better, at the same time it also has a good insulation, suitable for engineering building walls, roof insulation heat preservation sound insulation noise reduction.


                  Engineering building partition wall, server firewall, fire doors and Windows and elevator shaft fire safety and noise reduction. However, color steel sandwich plate in the process of adoption, we must pay attention to some levels to ensure that people's routine application.



                  To carry out heat insulation equipment and pipelines, the surface of color steel sandwich plate should be clean and tidy, without oil stains, rust and leakage, and moderate coating can be used to prevent corrosion. In order to reduce the rate of heat loss, all the connecting head of the board and felt must be connected very closely, each cross joint should be overlapped in the double layer insulation insulation, in order to prevent deformation, in the cold insulation is essential to avoid hot bridge.


                  Color steel sandwich plate for cold to add waterproof layer, in the case of especially low temperature, with no epoxy resin sandwich plate to carry out heat transfer, the waterproof layer must also be fire safety. When the ambient temperature exceeds 200℃, the insulation insulation must be added to the suitable protective tube, so that it is likely to cause the swelling can not make the thickness and density change.


                  When the thermal insulation target is placed vertically, with a very relative height, the roof insulation must have a positioning pin or support ring, the interval does not have to exceed 3 meters, to prevent the thermal insulation material in vibration rolling down.


                  How is the heat transfer of color steel sandwich plate? Through the above content, we know that the heat transfer of the plate is really good, but there are a lot of matters to pay attention to, so as to better use. More content to the website www.matsuonline.com consultation!
