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                地址:山东省聊城Ψ 市高新区许营镇店子朱♀营村942号


                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/5/31 11:47:45


                Purification board and rock wool composite board are both good building materials, with similarities and differences. Users can make choices according to their own needs or actual conditions. Purification boards can be seen in real life. Purification boards are used in many buildings, especially hospitals, disinfection rooms and polyurethane purification board insulation projects. So what are the differences between purification board and rock wool board? Next, the purification board editor will introduce the differences between purification board and rock wool board.


                The thermal insulation material used for the machine-made purification board is mainly glass fiber cotton, which has good thermal insulation effect. The thermal insulation board and mechanical purification board used for the external wall effectively avoid the "cold bridge" phenomenon of the wall, and achieve a better thermal insulation effect. The thermal resistance value of R15 insulation cotton with a thickness of about 100mm of the machine-made purification plate can be equivalent to a brick wall with a thickness of 1m.

                机制净化板墙体采用有效节能≡体系,具有呼吸功能,可调节室内空气干湿度;屋顶具有通风功能,可以使屋内部上空形成流动的空气间, 屋顶内部的通风及散热需求。

                The wall of the machine-made purification board adopts an effective energy-saving system, which has a breathing function and can adjust the dry humidity of the indoor air; The roof has a ventilation function, which can form a flowing air room over the interior of the house. The ventilation and heat dissipation requirements inside the roof.

                净化板可采用岩棉、聚氨酯泡沫、硅岩、玻璃丝绵、纸蜂窝、陶铝板、玻镁板纸蜂九种芯材,彩钢板、镀锌板、镀铝锌光板、不锈钢、印花钢板、铝箔纸、PVC、三合板、纤ξ 维水泥板,硅酸钙板等十几种面材,二十余种板型的复合板。

                The purification board can adopt nine kinds of core materials: rock wool, polyurethane foam, silica rock, glass wool, paper honeycomb, ceramic aluminum plate, glass magnesium plate and paper bee, more than ten kinds of surface materials such as color steel plate, galvanized plate, aluminized zinc plate, stainless steel, printed steel plate, aluminum foil paper, PVC, plywood, fiber cement plate, calcium silicate plate, and more than twenty kinds of composite plates.

                8.9 彩钢板 (4).jpg


                External wall rock wool composite board

                岩棉复合板防火隔离带结合现行聚苯板外保温系统施工工艺特点,针对普通岩棉特性对其表面经过网格布和浆料包裹复合等特殊改良处理,克服了普》通岩棉剥离强度低、易破损、易受潮塌落的弱点, 岩棉复合板防火隔离带与聚苯板等保温材▅料性能相近、施工工艺相同且结合良好, 整个外保温体系不易产生裂缝造成①渗漏受潮保温失效等隐患。并能与外保温同样承受自重、风荷载和室外气候的反复作用而→不产生破坏。

                In combination with the construction process characteristics of the current polystyrene board external insulation system, the rock wool composite board fireproof isolation belt is subject to special improvement treatment such as grid cloth and slurry wrapping and compounding according to the characteristics of ordinary rock wool, overcoming the weak points of low peeling strength, easy damage and moisture collapse of ordinary rock wool. The rock wool composite board fireproof isolation belt has similar performance, the same construction process and good combination with the polystyrene board and other insulation materials, The whole external insulation system is not easy to produce cracks, resulting in leakage, moisture, insulation failure and other hidden dangers. It can also bear the repeated action of self weight, wind load and outdoor climate without damage.


                The above is the content of the color steel sandwich panel. Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call us for consultation! http://www.matsuonline.com
