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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/5/20 14:41:07


                How to prevent deformation of stainless steel color plate during welding

                1、严格控制不锈钢彩色板焊接接头的热输入“选择合适的焊接方法和工艺参数,主要是焊接电流、电弧电压和焊⌒ 接速度。

                1. Strictly control the heat input of stainless steel color plate welded joints "select appropriate welding methods and process parameters, mainly welding current, arc voltage and welding speed.


                2. Stainless steel checkered plate suppliers generally use small nozzles for welding, but it is recommended to use large nozzle diameter as far as possible to make the weld protective surface larger and isolate the air for a long time, so as to make the weld forming better.


                3. Cerium tungsten rod φ 1.5. The sharpness of grinding should be higher. The length of the tungsten rod extending out of the nozzle should be as long as possible, which will make the base metal melt faster, that is, the melting temperature rises faster and the temperature is concentrated. Therefore, the position that needs to be melted can be melted as soon as possible without increasing the base metal temperature. In this way, the area of stress change in the material will become smaller, and Z will eventually reduce the deformation of stainless steel color plate material.

                8.9 彩钢板 (2).jpg

                彩色不锈钢加工技术,从工艺◤上看,有化学法和电化学法。它们█可以在特定的电解液中处理以获得不同的颜色,从而提高不锈钢的耐磨性、耐腐ㄨ蚀性和颜色多样性。不锈钢花纹板报价用于不同的场合,获得不同的经济□ 效益。

                Color stainless steel processing technology, from the process point of view, there are chemical method and electrochemical method. They can be treated in specific electrolyte to obtain different colors, so as to improve the wear resistance, corrosion resistance and color diversity of stainless steel. The quotation of stainless steel checkered plate is used in different occasions to obtain different economic benefits.


                The manufacturing methods of non-ferrous stainless steel are as follows: 1. High temperature oxidation method; 2. Chemical oxidation; 3. Electrochemical oxidation; 4. Ion implantation.


                Various treatment methods are summarized as follows:


                1. High temperature oxidation method is to immerse the workpiece in specific molten salt and maintain a certain process temperature and time to form a certain thickness of oxide film and show various colors.


                2. Chemical oxidation method is to form various film colors in a specific solution by controlling temperature and time.


                3. Electrochemical method is to form a certain thickness of chloride film color in a specific electrolyte by controlling temperature, voltage and time. This process is relatively mature and widely used.


                4. Ion implantation evaporates ions in vacuum to deposit ions on the surface of stainless steel. For example, the watch case and gold strap on the market adopt this technology, which is suitable for mass production.


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