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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/6/17 20:16:04

                彩钢夹芯板是由上下两层彩色涂层钢板作为面层,以既有刚度又可保温而强度比较低ぷ的材料,如硬质泡沫塑料、岩棉板等保湿材料作为芯材,在专用的自动化生产线上复合而成的,具有承载能力的结构板材。因其构造特征,此种板也被⌒ 称为“三明治板。”按照建筑物的使用部位和面板板型的不同,可分■为屋面板、墙板、隔墙板和吊顶板等。

                The color steel sandwich board is a structural board with load-bearing capacity, which is composed of two layers of color coated steel plates as the surface layer, and low-strength materials with both rigidity and heat preservation, such as hard foam plastic, rock wool board and other moisturizing materials as the core material, on a special automatic production line. Because of its structural characteristics, this kind of plate is also called "sandwich plate" According to the use position and panel type of the building, it can be divided into roof panel, wall panel, partition board and ceiling board.


                As a new multi-functional building board, the color steel sandwich board has the characteristics of thermal insulation, sound insulation, strong bearing capacity, bright color, flexible installation, low cost, waterproof and anti-seismic. Since the 1980s, it has been widely used in large industrial plants, steel structure plants, activity rooms, clean workshops, building storey addition, temporary houses, warehouses, cold storages, gymnasiums, supermarkets and places requiring thermal insulation and fire prevention.


                The color steel sandwich panel has beautiful appearance, bright color and good overall effect. It integrates load-bearing, thermal insulation, fire prevention and waterproof, and does not need secondary decoration. It is fast and convenient to install, short construction cycle and good comprehensive benefits. It is a building material with wide uses and potential.


                The good performance of color steel sandwich panel depends not only on the panel and the combination of panel and core material, but also on the material of core material. However, at present, the thermal insulation core materials commonly used in color steel sandwich panels have more or less some disadvantages, most of which can not meet the characteristics of high fire insulation, high temperature resistance and environmental friendliness at the same time; On the other hand, there are more and more manufacturers of this kind of products, and the products produced are similar, resulting in fierce market competition. Therefore, enterprises should adopt a new type of alternative insulation core material to catch up with the strong momentum of the continuous renewal and development of the field of color steel sandwich panels, improve the competitive advantage of products and achieve greater economic benefits.

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                Types and current situation of color steel sandwich panel insulation core materials


                The thermal insulation, heat insulation and sound absorption properties of color steel sandwich panel mainly depend on its core material - thermal insulation material. This kind of material should not only have good thermal insulation, but also have sufficient strength and stiffness, and have good adhesion with color steel plate. Only in this way can the combined composite plate bear the design load and meet the functional requirements of the building.


                The core materials of color steel sandwich panels can be divided into two categories according to the chemical composition of their products, that is, one is organic chemical foam materials, such as polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, phenolic foam, melamine foam, etc. The other is inorganic fiber materials, such as rock wool board, mineral wool board, glass wool board, etc.


                At present, domestic color steel sandwich panel manufacturers use a wide range of color steel sandwich panel insulation layer core materials, including polystyrene sandwich panel (EPS sandwich panel), hard polyurethane sandwich panel (PU sandwich panel) and rock wool sandwich panel, namely RW sandwich panel. However, organic materials such as polyurethane and polystyrene have low heat-resistant temperature, easy to burn in case of fire and easy to produce toxic gas, which have become one of the main factors of fire accidents.


                The above is color steel sandwich panel http://www.matsuonline.com Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call us for consultation!
