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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/10 15:25:33

                彩钢夹芯板在安装之前应尽可能保留出厂时的包装,宜存放于室内。如堆放在室外,堆放地点应】平整,不得有积水且上空不应有起重设备和重物经过,板下用垫⊙木垫高20cm,板与板之间要放置软性材料,同型号的板放置在一起,每垛板上〗应有易于识别的板型标签,并覆盖防雨油布。堆放场地应设置临时围挡,避免人员@ 走动造成板材不必要的损坏。
                Before installation, the color steel sandwich panel shall retain the factory packaging as much as possible and should be stored indoors. If it is stacked outdoors, the stacking place shall be flat without ponding, and there shall be no lifting equipment and heavy objects passing over it. The pad wood shall be padded 20cm under the plate. Soft materials shall be placed between plates. Plates of the same model shall be placed together. Each stack of plates shall be provided with easily identifiable plate type labels and covered with rainproof tarpaulins. Temporary enclosure shall be set at the stacking site to avoid unnecessary damage to plates caused by personnel walking.
                Installation of color steel sandwich panel
                Movable scaffold is generally used for the installation of curtain wall plate. When ensuring the bearing capacity of construction scaffold, the following factors shall be considered:
                Distance between curtain wall, working face and axis
                Find out the spacing and position of control points against the reference plane, and pay attention to intervisibility
                Find the spacing of the installation angle against the reference plane
                Horizontal difference from control elevation
                The vertical distance from the building and the distance from each floor.
                When handling the plate, both ends shall be lifted at the same time to avoid damaging the surface oxide film or coating. When installing the wall panel, only one panel can be lifted at a time. The special fixture provided by the manufacturer shall be used to lift the wall panel at 2 points at the splicing in the length direction of the wall panel. The lifting process shall be carried out slowly and controlled with wind rope to avoid collision with the installed wallboard. The protruding part of the scaffold shall be wrapped with soft materials.
                There are two main ways to fix the sandwich panel: one is that the self tapping screw passes through the wall panel and is directly fixed on the wall substructure. Another way is that the self tapping screw is indirectly connected with the wall substructure through the connector.
                Installation accuracy of curtain wall panel: facade perpendicularity is 2mm, surface flatness is 3mm, and joint straightness is 0.5mm The installation shall be carried out in strict accordance with the technical manual provided by the manufacturer.

                7.30 (5).jpg耐候』胶的使用
                Use of weather resistant adhesive
                While fixing the edge plate and flashing plate, it must be caulked and sealed with weather resistant glue to prevent gas penetration and rainwater leakage. Attention shall be paid to the following during the sealant injection of caulking weather resistant adhesive:
                Fully clean the gap between plates to ensure that the bonding surface is clean and dry
                In order to adjust the depth of the joint and avoid glue on three sides, the joint is filled with PVC foaming material (small round rod)
                After glue injection, the surface of glue joint shall be smoothed to remove excess glue
                Pay attention to curing after glue injection. Before the glue is fully hardened, it shall not be contaminated with dust and scratches.
