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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/13 14:41:14

                Aluminum alloy can be used for edge banding, or the remaining part of color steel plate can be directly used for edge banding. The length, width, angle and other dimensions of color steel composite plate shall be determined first; Secondly, the edge sealing material is made into corresponding accessories; Finally, secure the edge material with waterproof pull rivets.
                Problems needing attention in the construction of color steel composite plate
                1. First check the dimension mark on the construction drawing and check whether the dimension of the construction position is consistent with the drawing scale. When checking the dimension, the local dimension deviation shall not be greater than or less than 25mm, and the wall bottom height deviation shall not be greater than or less than 10mm.
                2. When handling materials, corresponding protective measures shall be taken to avoid collision and damage of materials during transportation. When unloading materials, they shall be placed at each construction point and handled carefully to prevent damage to materials. After the materials are placed neatly, the appearance, size and welding quality of the materials shall be carefully checked.

                7.30 (4).jpg3. Fix the chassis iron firmly with expansion screws and other accessories according to the dimensions and requirements of the drawing, and then assemble the color steel clamp. During assembly, tighten all screws, check whether the steel beam is in the vertical direction, in the same plane, and whether the component size meets the requirements.
                4. During installation, the ground and plate surface shall be flat, and the structural design of wall, ground and top shall be reasonable to ensure the tightness of installation. If corners are encountered during installation, they shall be regarded as rounded corners.
                Whether it is to wrap the edge of Jinan color steel composite plate or to install the composite plate, it is necessary to first determine its size and keep it consistent with the engineering drawings. Aluminum alloy materials or residual materials of color steel plate are usually used for edge wrapping. Relevant matters must be paid attention to in the installation process to avoid secondary injury.
                The above wonderful content comes from the introduction and sharing of color steel composite plate products of Shandong chaoguangyao metal materials Co., Ltd. please continue to pay attention to us for more content: /
