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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/16 12:06:19

                楼承板建筑的房子比传统房屋的重量要轻一倍,运用面积也进步百分之五左右,这个_是它一大优点自重轻强度高。依据不完整的统计,我国在发作地震时钢筋桁架楼承板建筑的倒塌几率简直是零,所以它的抗震性能好也是它的优点之一,由于钢筋桁架楼承板建筑的一些构件、墙板等有关的建材都是在工厂里完成的,所以_减少了现场施工的工作量,缩短了施工的工作时间,很契合产业化的请求,这个是 它的第三个优势,第五个_是它的可回收应用了,楼承板能够随意地撤除和建造,关于环境不形成污染,还节约了资源。
                The weight of the house built with floor support plate is twice that of the traditional house, and the use area has also increased by about 5%_ It has the advantage of light weight and high strength. According to incomplete statistics, the collapse probability of reinforced truss floor slab building in China is almost zero when an earthquake occurs, so its good seismic performance is also one of its advantages. Because some components, wall panels and other related building materials of reinforced truss floor slab building are completed in the factory, so_ It reduces the workload of on-site construction and shortens the working time of construction, which is in line with the requirements of industrialization. This is its third advantage and fifth advantage_ Because of its recyclable application, the floor bearing plate can be removed and constructed at will, which not only does not pollute the environment, but also saves resources.
                1: To meet the requirements of rapid construction of the main steel structure, it can provide a firm operation platform in a short time, and can adopt the flow construction of laying profiled steel plates on multiple floors and pouring concrete slabs in layers.
                2: In the use stage, the floor bearing plate is used as the tensile reinforcement of the concrete floor slab, which improves the stiffness of the floor slab and saves the amount of reinforcement and concrete.
                3: The embossing on the surface of the profiled plate produces a large binding force between the floor bearing plate and the concrete, so that they form a whole. With stiffeners, the floor bearing plate system has a high bearing capacity.

                7.30 (3).jpg4:在悬臂条件下,悬挑的长度可根据楼承板的截面特性来定,为了防止悬挑板╳的开裂,需在支座处依结构工程师的设计配上负筋。
                4: Under the condition of cantilever, the length of cantilever can be determined according to the section characteristics of floor bearing plate. In order to prevent the cracking of cantilever plate, negative reinforcement shall be provided at the support according to the design of structural engineer.
                Foshan Sanda color steel plate Co., Ltd. fssdjc Cn is an enterprise specializing in the production, R &amp; D and installation of steel structure maintenance system, C-section steel, color steel sandwich tile, purification board and other products. After years of operation, the company's products cover a wide range and are highly praised by manufacturers and individual users.
