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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/20 15:27:25

                Color steel plate is a kind of steel plate with organic coating. It is divided into color steel veneer, color steel composite board, floor, etc. It is mainly used for the walls and roofs of large public buildings, public workshops, movable plank houses and comprehensive houses. Here we introduce the precautions for fire prevention of color steel plate.
                (1) Color steel plate products are constantly improving. In order to prevent fire and use safety, color steel plates with good fire resistance performance, such as rock wool color steel plates, which are almost non combustible.
                (2) in the process of using Ji'nan color steel products, we must keep away from the fire source. If we choose the ordinary color plate foam color steel plate, try not to build the kitchen in the color steel plate room, so that we can naturally keep away from the fire source and will not cause a fire.

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                (3) Do not use electrical appliances with excessive power and violation in Jinan color steel plate products, so as to avoid the fire caused by electric leakage. Wires and cables should not pass through the color steel plate core material as far as possible.
                (4) There must be fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment in the color steel plate movable room. In case of fire, it is convenient to put it out in time. If the situation is good, a fire alarm can be installed to facilitate the rapid escape of personnel in the house and avoid casualties.
                (5) The spacing between Jinan color steel plates must be kept at least 6m, which is also very important. Generally, regular responsible manufacturers will pay attention to this. Users cannot disassemble color steel plates without permission, and must inform the professional personnel of the manufacturer.
                As long as you pay close attention to these precautions when using color steel plate products, you can reduce the possibility of fire. Do not ignore some details. The fire is likely to be caused by details. I believe you have paid attention to these problems and will not cause fire when using color steel plate products.
                我们一直在坚持分享的路上彩钢板厂家⌒ /真正为您解决您所需要的问题.
                We have been insisting on sharing color steel plate manufacturers on the road / Truly solve the problems you need
