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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/22 16:02:18

                1. Surface material
                (1) Color coated plate
                The base plate is hot-dip galvanized or aluminized zinc plate, or electro galvanized base plate, and the surface paint will not fall off after bending; The color steel plate used for composite plate is generally coated and baked (coated and baked), and the two coated and baked (coated and baked) or has quality problems, such as serious loose edge, loose center in the middle, missing coating, large sawtooth edge, serious ellipse, uneven, etc. it can not be used for the production of composite plate.
                (2) Galvanized sheet
                The bonding effect is not good, sometimes it is not handled very well, and it needs to be handled.
                The picture is provided by the registered user "warm life home".

                (3) Stainless steel plate
                Good corrosion resistance, high toughness and difficult to process; Sometimes the bonding effect is not good and needs to be treated.
                (4) Aluminum foil paper
                Reinforced aluminum foil is a kind of composite material with glass fiber reinforced rib sandwiched between aluminum foil and kraft paper. It has the functional characteristics of flame retardant and fire prevention, and is beautiful and durable. It is an ideal supporting insulation layer for a new generation of thermal insulation, heat insulation and sound insulation.
                The main raw material of PVC foam board is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is characterized by flat and beautiful surface, light weight, flame retardant, moisture-proof, sound insulation, anti-corrosion, easy cutting, good weather resistance, acid and alkali resistance and convenient cleaning.
                (6) Plywood
                Because the length of each plywood is limited, the compact effect is not very good, and the crack phenomenon is difficult to solve.
                2. Core material
                (1) foam board
                The polystyrene (EPS) particles are used as raw materials, shaped like chemical fertilizer granules, preheated by heating, made into larger particles of white pearls, and then heated and pressed in moulds to form foam plastic plates with fine closed cell structure.
                (2) Polyurethane
                It is a material with excellent fireproof and thermal insulation performance. The unit weight of polyurethane used for composite board is generally 30kg-40kg.
                (3) Rock wool board
                It takes basalt as the main raw material. After melting at high temperature, it is made into inorganic fiber by high-speed centrifugal equipment. At the same time, it is evenly added with a certain proportion of adhesive to bake into a large plate. It is cut into rock wool strips according to production needs. Rock wool is a non combustible body with good fire resistance.
                (4) Glass wool
                It is a kind of light, heat-resistant, elastic and non combustible thermal insulation material. It is widely used in chemical industry, medicine, factories, heavy industrial machinery and equipment, construction, vehicles and ships and aerospace. It is an ideal heat breaking, fire prevention and sound-absorbing material.
                (5) Flame retardant paper honeycomb board
                为国家B1级防火材料,具有⌒阻燃性好、抗压强度好、只碳@ 化不燃烧∩、不产生∏有毒性物质、废弃物可完全回收再利用等优点,是聚苯乙烯★、聚氨酯、岩棉等芯材的理想替代品。
                It is a national grade B1 fireproof material, which has the advantages of good flame retardancy, good compressive strength, only carbonization and no combustion, no toxic substances, and waste can be completely recycled. It is an ideal substitute for core materials such as polystyrene, polyurethane and rock wool.
