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                金Ψ 属瓦塑造新型屋面

                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/25 20:21:12

                With the development of roof decoration materials, metal tile came into being. Because of its unique design, it gives a unique style to the roof decoration, leads the trend of the times, and makes a new innovation in the transformation of ancient building roof system.
                Chinese antique metal tile is a new building decoration material in the 21st century. It has Chinese traditional style and is the product of the transformation of traditional tile. The metal is made of high-quality aluminum alloy and combined with professional technology to realize the charm of ancient architecture. At the same time, compared with traditional colored steel tiles and cement tiles, antique metal tiles have outstanding advantages such as wind and lightning resistance, cold and crack resistance, long service life and rich colors. Even in the bad weather of earthquake and typhoon, they are not easy to fall.

                7.30 (14).jpgWhen it comes to metal things, people first worry about rust and corrosion. The base plate of metal tile has good corrosion. In addition, there is a layer of resin layer with strong weather resistance, which is strong and durable. In this way, it can effectively prevent metal tile from rusting, which is also a major feature of metal tile. In addition, compared with common cement tiles, metal tiles have stable chemical properties, strong weather resistance, longer service life and much lighter weight than cement tiles. In this way, transportation and construction will be much more convenient and cost can be saved during transportation. Moreover, the metal tile can also be recycled, with good environmental protection, which is in line with the trend of ecological sustainable development.
                The picture shows Meizhou merchants cultural center
                金属瓦摆脱了传统瓦片厚重和易碎等短板,凹凸有型,屋面搭接成人字形状。凭借着优异的装饰♂效果、强大的」可塑性、超长的使用年限及免维护性、简便快捷的施工工艺、优秀㊣ 的性价比及可回收的绿色环保理念,金属挖广泛应用于仿古建筑改造、博物馆改造↓工程、旅游景区改造、遗ω址公园改造,仿古街改造、古镇改造等建筑①工程中,目前已应用于广州凉亭、苏州观音寺、梅州客商文化中心、宁波镇海实验小学、杭州龙藏◣阁、河源茂和堂等建筑装饰,重构古建∴筑之华丽美观。
                The metal tile gets rid of the traditional short boards such as heavy and fragile tiles, with concave convex shape, and the roof is overlapped in the shape of an adult character. With excellent decorative effect, strong plasticity, long service life and maintenance free, simple and fast construction technology, excellent cost performance and recyclable green environmental protection concept, metal excavation is widely used in architectural projects such as antique building reconstruction, museum reconstruction, tourist scenic area reconstruction, ruins park reconstruction, antique street reconstruction, ancient town reconstruction and so on, At present, it has been applied to the architectural decoration of Guangzhou Pavilion, Suzhou Guanyin temple, Meizhou merchants cultural center, Ningbo Zhenhai experimental primary school, Hangzhou Longcang Pavilion, Heyuan Maohe hall and other buildings to reconstruct the gorgeous and beautiful ancient buildings.
                十年工艺沉淀,十年№经验积淀,金属不断精进工艺〖,创新技术,引进了国际√先进的高端装配式建筑构件生产设备,智能化程度高→、工艺装备先进⌒ ,技术水平均处于国内同行业领先水平,已然开发出仿古瓦,中欧式瓦,西式瓦,铝茅草,金属古☆建瓦,仿古构件等多款▼新型产品,产品规格齐全,获得了铝合金屋面瓦等多项专利成果,形成了国内领先的新〗型节能装配式部品构件集成技术体系,能够根据ω 客户需求差异量身定制产品,并提供金属瓦应用全方位服务,驱动金】属瓦产业发展,助力中国古建文明通过现代科技工艺重现辉煌。
                With ten years of process precipitation and ten years of experience accumulation, the metal has continuously refined the process, innovated technology, introduced international advanced high-end fabricated building component production equipment, with high degree of intelligence, advanced process equipment, and the technical level is at the leading level in the same industry in China. Antique tiles, Central European tiles, Western tiles, aluminum thatch and metal ancient building tiles have been developed, A variety of new products such as antique components have complete product specifications, obtained a number of patent achievements such as aluminum alloy roof tiles, and formed a domestic leading new energy-saving assembled component integration technology system, which can customize products according to customer demand differences, provide all-round services for metal tile application, and drive the development of metal tile industry, Help China's ancient civilization reproduce its brilliance through modern science and technology.
                From the industry-leading scale advantage, the product series with leading quality, to the continuous investment in the introduction of international advanced production lines, from the scientific research and innovation strength that dare to be the first in the world, the continuous improvement of technology for many years, to the complete service process of customer first, metal always adheres to self innovation, leads the trend of the metal tile era, and escorts the roof decoration of every customer.
