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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/3/28 15:00:55

                     我们现在随处可见使用彩钢板作为屋顶材料的【现象,安装非常的方便,当然需要注意的事项也很多,比如用彩钢板做屋顶时要做到防风加固才是。下面来了解下这@ 个事项吧。

                  We can now see the use of color steel plate as a roof material phenomenon, installation is very convenient, of course, need to pay attention to a lot of matters, such as color steel plate roof to do wind reinforcement is. Let's take a look at this.


                  Color steel roof reinforcement method:


                  To ensure that the wind resistance, the need to use 6 mm steel wire rope on the panel longitudinal fixed roof, horizontal direction every 6 meters of cloth, make the roof form a network. One end is fixed to an iron plate buried in the ground, and a U-buckle is used to secure the wire rope.


                  When the old tile-roofed house is reinforced with colored steel tiles, we can fix the longitudinal roof with wire rope, the size needs to be about 6 mm to 8 mm, and then set a bar every 45 meters in the horizontal position of the roof, so it can be strengthened. In addition, if you want more stability, you can attach the wire rope directly to the steel frame, so that it is not easy to tip over in high winds.

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                  Color steel plate roof reinforcement precautions:


                  Color steel tile itself material is relatively light, so the installation is very simple, but in the process of installation to pay special attention to. You'd better not walk on tile. If you need to walk, you must take safety measures. Remember to step on the middle part with good bearing capacity, do not step on the edge, the edge of poor bearing capacity, easy to slip.


                  Color steel tile generally in outdoor construction, pay special attention to the weather. In case of strong wind and heavy rain, it is best not to construct in order to avoid danger. Roof construction is aerial work, must have the relevant technical certificate to operate, so not only to ensure the quality of construction, but also to ensure the safety of construction personnel.


                  When installing color steel tiles, you must make warning signs around the building to prevent pedestrians from entering, avoid the danger of falling objects, and ensure the safety of construction. Color steel tile roof installation, should do a good job of waterproof, drainage measures, to avoid the use of water leakage, water, affect the service life.


                  For more details, please click http://www.matsuonline.com to consult customer service!
