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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/1/6 9:36:54

                The development trend of color steel plate is that high-quality base plate is adopted, and the requirements for the surface, shape and dimensional accuracy of the base plate are higher and higher. For outdoor use, such as small zinc flower flat hot-dip galvanized steel coil and non zinc flower flat hot-dip galvanized steel coil, zinc alloy hot-dip galvanized coil rises in time; For indoor use, such as galvanized steel coil, coated cold-rolled sheet and aluminum coil.
                2、 Improve the pretreatment process and pretreatment liquid, with less equipment and low cost, become the mainstream process, and constantly improve the stability, corrosion resistance and environmental protection performance of the pretreatment liquid.
                3、 Note: the development of new coatings improves general polyester, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and plastisol to obtain * grade color reproducibility, UV resistance, sulfur dioxide resistance and improved corrosion resistance; Develop functional coatings such as pollution resistance and heat absorption.

                7.30 (8).jpg四,机组设备*完善。如采用新型】焊机、新型辊涂机、完善固化炉、配置的自动化仪表等。
                4、 Unit equipment * perfect. Such as new welding machine, new roller coating machine, perfect curing furnace, configured automatic instrument, etc.
                5、 Cold embossing technology has become a development trend because of its low cost, beautiful appearance, three-dimensional feeling and high strength.
                六,注重产品』的多样化、功能化、化,如深冲型彩涂板、“柚子皮”彩涂板、防⌒ 静电彩涂板、耐污染彩涂板、高吸热性彩涂板等。
                6、 Pay attention to the diversification, functionalization and of products, such as deep drawing color coating board, "grapefruit skin" color coating board, anti-static color coating board, pollution-resistant color coating board, high heat absorption color coating board, etc.
                The main types of color steel plate. The substrates of color steel plate are cold-rolled substrate, hot-dip galvanized substrate and electro galvanized substrate. Coatings can be divided into polyester, silicon modified polyester, vinylidene fluoride and plastisol. The surface state of color steel plate can be divided into coated plate, embossed plate and printed plate. Color steel plate is widely used in construction appliances, transportation and other industries. For the construction industry, it is mainly used for the roof, wall and door of industrial and commercial buildings such as steel structure workshop, airport, warehouse and refrigeration, and color steel plate is less used in civil buildings.
                Different from plastic steel < br > the difference between it and plastic steel lies in the composition of the material. The magnet can absorb.
                Strictly speaking, plastic steel and color steel can not be well distinguished in metal properties and surface treatment, because they are similar; Therefore, the market differentiation is mainly in the aspect of profile structure. Magnet test because it is an ordinary carbon steel material, the magnet can absorb.
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