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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/27 10:12:14

                1. Composite house
                Due to the shortage of urban land, many units and individuals hope to build an additional one-story house on the roof without a large load on the original building. The sandwich panel has the advantages of light overall weight, flexible combination, convenient and fast construction, no need for secondary decoration and easy disassembly and relocation. In this way, the use area is expanded under the condition of small investment, It also solves the heat insulation and waterproof problems of the original roof, which just meets the needs of users.
                2. Purification engineering
                With the continuous progress of society, electronic and pharmaceutical industries are developing rapidly. In the product manufacturing process of these industries, it is necessary to provide a high cleanliness production environment. Color steel sandwich panel is widely used in the production and processing environment with cleaning requirements as interior wall and ceiling material because the color coated plate on its surface is not easy to adhere to dust, easy to clean and less joints. Applications include electronic and computer product manufacturing, medical supplies and drug production, aerospace, food production, medical operating room and other industries.
                3. Public buildings
                很多公共建筑对屋面板材料的要求比较多,像是轻质、保温和隔@ 热、防火、防水、吸声、耐久性等方面都有很高的要求。彩钢【板可应用于有大空间需要的公共建筑的屋◆面和外墙中,如:候机或候车○大厅、体育场馆、影剧院和礼↓堂、展览馆、博物馆等等。

                8.3 (2).jpgMany public buildings have more requirements for roof panel materials, such as light weight, heat preservation and insulation, fire prevention, waterproof, sound absorption, durability and so on. Color steel plate can be applied to the roof and exterior wall of public buildings with large space needs, such as waiting hall or waiting hall, stadium, theater and auditorium, exhibition hall, museum, etc.
                4. Industrial plant and warehouse
                While providing better thermal insulation effect for industrial plants and warehouses, color steel plate, combined with the mature and developed light steel structure, can reflect the advantages of light steel system and flexible layout. It has become a favorite building material for single-layer industrial plants. For multi-storey industrial plants, in addition to the sandwich panel for the roof of the roof, the sandwich panel can also be used for flexible layout for the external wall, so as to beautify the architectural appearance through the changeable colors and shapes of color coated panels. For industrial buildings with constant temperature and humidity requirements, sandwich panels with better thermal performance than brick walls are used as enclosure materials, which can greatly save the operation cost after completion.
                5. Temporary buildings
                The color steel plate composite house can be relocated for many times, which also makes it widely used in temporary buildings, such as public toilets, sentry boxes, sales offices, etc. now it will also be used in municipal fences in many areas.
                The above are the main contents shared by the color steel plate manufacturers. Please continue to pay attention to us for more wonderful contents: /
