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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/5/4 15:25:02

                一、屋面板安装程序:内板安装→铺设玻【璃丝棉→檐口泛水板、水沟安装→顶板压型彩钢板安装「→泛水、收边板→密封胶。墙面面板安装程序:外板安装→铺设玻璃丝㊣ 棉→檐口泛水板、水沟→内侧压型彩钢板安装▆→泛水、收边板安装→密封胶,墙面板安装使用挂爬╲梯进行安装,作业人员挂系好安全带。

                1、 Installation procedure of roof panel: installation of inner panel → laying of glass wool → installation of cornice flashing plate and ditch → installation of profiled color steel plate of roof → flashing and edge closing plate → sealant. Installation procedure of wall panel: installation of outer panel → laying of glass wool → cornice flashing plate and ditch → installation of inner profiled color steel plate → installation of flashing and edge closing plate → sealant. Wall panel shall be installed by hanging ladder, and operators shall fasten safety belt.

                二、屋面内板安装采用∞在天车上铺设平台的方法进行施工作业,平台四周焊栏杆ω 进行围护,防止人员坠落;屋面顶板◆安装直接在屋面顶施工作业,借助屋面梁体铺设平台进行安装作业,这样出板优点※是:接头少,防渗漏效果好,施工方便,施工︾进度快。

                2、 The installation of roof inner plate adopts the method of laying a platform on the crown block for construction operation, and railings are welded around the platform for enclosure to prevent personnel from falling; The roof top plate is installed directly on the roof, and the installation operation is carried out with the help of the roof beam laying platform. The advantages of this way are: less joints, good anti leakage effect, convenient construction and fast construction progress.

                三、压型彩钢板起吊时,采用木板或柔软物垫在钢板与卐钢索之间,以防止压型彩钢板划伤和变形,吊至网架上后∑ 将钢板均开。

                3、 When the profiled color steel p7.30 (4).jpglate is hoisted, the wood plate or soft object shall be padded between the steel plate and the steel cable to prevent the profiled color steel plate from being scratched and deformed. After being hoisted to the grid frame, the steel plate shall be opened.


                4、 The appearance quality of profiled color steel plate shall be checked before installation, and the surface shall be free of oil dirt, sediment, crack, peeling, scratch and other defects.


                5、 The lap joint of plate rib laid by profiled color steel plate should be opposite to the local perennial wind direction.


                6、 The profiled color steel plate shall be installed from the sink of axis a upward in turn, and the datum line parallel to a ridge shall be drawn at the cornice to ensure the straightness of the cornice and the parallelism with the ridge.

                七、下层【钢网长向搭接长度为80~100 ㎜,搭接处不需打密封胶, 从下面看压型彩钢板接头处应成一直线并与◥檐口平行。接缝应均匀整↓齐、严■密无翘曲。

                7、 The longitudinal lap length of the lower steel mesh is 80 ~ 100 mm. Sealant is not required at the lap joint. From below, the joint of profiled color steel plate shall be in a straight line and parallel to the cornice. The joints shall be uniform, neat and tight without warpage.


                8、 The upper profiled color steel plate shall be bent upward by 80 ° at one end of the ridge to prevent backwater. The long lap length of the upper profiled color steel plate shall be greater than 200mm, and two layers of sealant shall be applied to the lap part. From above, the joint of profiled color steel plate is in a straight line and parallel to the cornice. The joints shall be uniform, neat and tight without warpage.


                9、 The overlapping length of flashing plate and angle wrapping plate shall not be less than 100mm, and the overlapping part shall be sealed with sealant. The flashing plate, gusset plate and profiled color steel plate shall be connected with pull rivets. The longitudinal connection spacing shall not be greater than 50 cm, the transverse connection spacing shall not be greater than 50 mm, the spacing shall be uniform, and the connection parts on both sides shall be symmetrical. The rivet shall be sealed with sealant.


                10、 The joint of ditch and gable flashing steel members shall be connected with self tapping screws and sealed with sealant.


                11、 A special self tapping gun shall be used when driving self tapping screws. Each row of self tapping screws shall be wired to make a row of self tapping screws in a straight line and parallel to the ridge or cornice to prevent wrong drilling. The self tapping nail shall be perpendicular to the connecting surface of purlin and roof panel, and the tightness of nailing shall be appropriate to press the outer diameter of waterproof rubber pad to the same as the outer diameter of nail head. Do not loosen the nail or crush the waterproof pad.


                12、 When installing the roof panel, wear soft soled shoes without nails, and step on the trough of profiled color steel plate with purlin to prevent scratching and damaging the roof panel.


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