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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/16 12:03:44

                聚氨●酯岩棉板|聚氨酯封边岩棉板|金属幕墙岩棉板|聚氨〒酯冷库板|聚氨酯pu板|岩棉夹芯板|聚氨酯板|PU夹芯板|聚氨酯侧封岩棉板| PU封边岩棉板
                Polyurethane rock wool board | polyurethane edge sealing rock wool board | metal curtain wall rock wool board | polyurethane cold storage board | polyurethane PU board | rock wool sandwich board | polyurethane board | Pu sandwich board | polyurethane side sealing rock wool board | Pu edge sealing rock wool board
                (1)聚氨酯的导热系数比较低当硬质的聚氨酯的密度在每立方米35-40kg的时候,聚氨酯的导热系↘数仅仅只有0.018-0.024/(m.k),这是在目前已经研发的保温材料之中导热系数的,只有EPS的一半Ψ 之多。不仅如此,聚氨酯防水、抗潮▃湿的性能也很好,聚氨酯属于憎水性材料,它∞的闭孔率为90%以上,因此,聚氨酯不会因为吸水而导致导热系数增加,而墙面也不会ζ 渗水;
                (1) The thermal conductivity of polyurethane is relatively low. When the density of rigid polyurethane is 35-40kg per cubic meter, the thermal conductivity of polyurethane is only 0.018-0.024/ (m.k), which is only half of the thermal conductivity of EPS among the thermal insulation materials that have been developed at present. In addition, polyurethane has good waterproof and moisture resistance. Polyurethane is a hydrophobic material with a closed cell rate of more than 90%. Therefore, polyurethane will not increase the thermal conductivity due to water absorption, and the wall will not seep water;

                7.30 (3).jpg(2)聚氨酯是一种自熄性材料,在添加阻燃剂之后难以燃烧。聚氨酯只有在高◇温情况下才会分解,它的软化点高于250摄氏度;
                (2) Polyurethane is a self extinguishing material, which is difficult to burn after adding flame retardant. Polyurethane will decompose only at high temperature, and its softening point is higher than 250 ℃;
                (3) polyurethane will produce carbon when it burns. It will accumulate on the surface of its foam, help isolate oxygen and foam at the bottom and prevent the spread of fire. Besides, polyurethane will not produce harmful gas and harmless to human body under high temperature.
                (4) Because of the fire resistance of polyurethane, the thickness of the wall can be reduced, so the indoor usable area can be increased;
                (5) The porosity and structure of polyurethane are relatively stable, not easy to crack, strong safety, service life is also higher than other thermal insulation materials, and the comprehensive cost performance is relatively high.
