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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源: 日期:2021/12/20 15:24:29

                1. The lap joint of plate rib laid by steel plate shall be opposite to the local perennial wind direction.
                2. The upper profiled steel plate shall be bent upward at an angle of 80 ° at one end of the ridge. The long lap length of the upper profiled steel plate shall be greater than 200mm, and the lap joint shall be sealed with sealant. From above, the joint of profiled steel plate shall be in a straight line and parallel to the cornice, and the joint shall be uniform and tight.
                3. When lifting profiled steel plate, wooden board or soft object shall be padded between steel plate and steel cable to prevent steel plate from scratching or deformation.
                4. The lap length of flashing plate and gusset plate shall not be less than 100mm, the long lap length of upper profiled steel plate shall be greater than 200mm, and sealant shall be used at the lap. From above, the joint of profiled steel plate shall be in a straight line and parallel to the cornice, and the joint shall be uniform and tight.

                7.30 (15).jpg5、安装济南彩钢板前要先检查其外观质量,确保表面没有油污、泥沙、裂纹、剥落、擦←痕等缺陷。
                5. Before installing Jinan color steel plate, the appearance quality shall be checked to ensure that the surface is free of oil stain, sediment, crack, peeling, scratch and other defects.
                6. The longitudinal lap length of the lower steel plate is 80-100mm, and the lap joint does not need sealant. From below, the joint of profiled steel plate should form a straight line, parallel to the cornice, and the joint should be uniform and tight.
                7. Segment inspection shall be carried out during installation to check the flatness and parallelism of both ends of the steel plate.
                8. At the joint of water tank, gable flashing plate and concrete or brick parapet, the joint of parapet with a depth of more than 10mm shall be cut with a cutting machine, and then the plate joint shall be inserted into the joint, and then painted with sealant. Fix the flashing plate on the daughter wall with cement nails, and block the cement nail head with sealant.
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