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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/1/11 16:45:45

                For various industries, color steel sandwich panel is a hard facility that can reduce a lot of unnecessary capital waste for enterprises. Because the product has the advantages of convenient construction, low cost, good fixation, simplicity and beauty, as well as thermal insulation, it can be reused after demolition and is convenient for warehouse storage. It is the key decoration and building material for enterprises to expand production scale. This product is a good choice for developing small and medium-sized enterprises, with diversified specifications, such as enterprise type, H-type, C-type, corrugated type, etc., and bright color without surface decoration.
                安装灵活方便,不仅大量减少建设物的基础工程和结构工程费用,且能多次拆♂装,施工安装灵活方便,综合效益十分∏显著。其重要一点就是防火性好,彩钢板芯材为A1 级难燃↙材料,其氧指数≥26,燃烧时不会熔融,且无黑烟,无高∑温分解滴落。因此,随着社会发展,该产品会成为越来越多建筑行业和装修行业的选择。
                The installation is flexible and convenient, which not only greatly reduces the cost of basic engineering and structural engineering of buildings, but also can be disassembled for many times. The construction and installation is flexible and convenient, and the comprehensive benefit is very significant. The important point is good fire resistance. The core material of color steel plate is grade A1 flame retardant material, its oxygen index is ≥ 26, it will not melt during combustion, and there is no black smoke, high-temperature decomposition and dripping. Therefore, with the development of society, this product will become the choice of more and more construction and decoration industries.

                8.3 (2).jpg彩钢㊣ 夹芯板可以从六个方面防火:一是采用防火性能好的岩棉作为芯材,这是治本的办法。
                Color steel sandwich panel can prevent fire from six aspects: first, use rock wool with good fire resistance as the core material, which is a permanent solution.
                Second, during the construction process, the core material shall be far away from open fire operations such as electric welding and gas welding.
                Third, in the process of use, some heat sources and fire sources should not be close to the steel plate, and a certain distance should be maintained. If you want to set up a kitchen in the room, you need to have a temperature insulation layer, and the wall should be equipped with a fireproof rock wool insulation layer.
                Fourth, wires and cables shall not pass through the core material as far as possible. If necessary, protective sleeves shall be added. Sockets and switch boxes shall adopt metal galvanized boxes and open installation methods.
                五是室内外配备简易灭火器材,有条件的应加装火灾报警Ψ 器,方便人员快速撤离。
                Fifth, simple fire-fighting equipment shall be equipped indoors and outdoors. If conditions permit, fire alarm shall be installed to facilitate rapid evacuation of personnel.
                Sixth, a safe distance of at least 6 meters should be maintained between rooms. The color steel plate room sandwich filling material without strict flame retardant treatment is flammable, but it will not spontaneous combustion. Strict, scientific and effective management to keep the fire away from the flammable sandwich filling materials of color steel plate house is one of the important ways to prevent the fire of color steel plate house.
                Thank you for reading. Source of this article: color steel sandwich panel. For more contents and questions, please click: / We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!
