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                山东超光耀金属ω 材料有限公司








                作者:山东超光耀金属≡材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/3/11 10:11:47


                With the advantages of light weight, high strength, thermal insulation, beauty and durability, the color steel plate movable room is a fast installation color steel plate combined with color steel plate and decorative plate. Color steel plate movable houses are widely used in large-span workshops, warehouses, office buildings, villas, roof addition, air purification rooms, cold storages, shops, kiosks, temporary houses, etc.



                The use of thin sandwich panels with a weight of less than 14kg can fully reduce the structural load and reduce the structural cost of movable houses. Molten basalt is the main raw material for color coating, and natural fiber is added for curing.


                Before the installation of color steel sandwich panels, try to keep the packaging of color steel sandwich panels when they leave the factory, and the color steel sandwich panels should be stored indoors. When stacking outdoors, the stacking site shall be flat without ponding, and there shall be no lifting appliances and heavy objects passing over. The height of wood under the Board shall be 20cm, and soft materials shall be placed between the boards.


                Plates of the same type shall be placed together, and each stacking plate shall be provided with a plate type label easy to identify and covered with a rainproof cloth. Temporary fences shall be set at the stacking site to prevent unnecessary plate damage caused by personnel walking.


                The commonly used thermal insulation materials of color steel sandwich panel include rock wool, glass fiber wool, polystyrene (EPS), polyurethane, etc., with low thermal conductivity. The movable room has good thermal insulation and heat insulation effect. High strength color steel plate takes high-strength steel plate as the base material (tensile strength 5600kg / cm), coupled with advanced design, rolling forming.


                1. We cannot store the color steel plates in the open air. We should store the color steel plates in a clean and tidy warehouse or plant, and avoid all kinds of corrosive media from contacting the color steel plates.

                2.其次,储存场所的地面要平坦、无硬物并且要具有足够╱的承重能力。 彩钢夹芯板应存放在干燥通风的室内环境中,不能长时⌒间处于潮湿的环境中,不能存放在温差过...

                2. Secondly, the ground of the storage place should be flat, free of hard objects and have sufficient load-bearing capacity. Color steel sandwich panels should be stored in a dry and ventilated indoor environment, not in a humid environment for a long time, and not in a place with excessive temperature difference

                3.此外,一些特殊型号的彩钢板不能直接放置在地面上∑ ,要放置在橡皮垫或者垫木上面。

                3. In addition, some special types of color steel plates cannot be placed directly on the ground, but should be placed on rubber pads or skids.

                4.Z后,要按使↙用顺序合理地堆放 彩钢夹芯板,要减少取用时不必要的移动和损耗。

                4. After Z, the color steel sandwich panels shall be stacked reasonably according to the use order, and the unnecessary movement and loss during access shall be reduced.
