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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/3/30 11:28:33

                  仿古金属瓦在很多领域中都有所〗应用,不过常见的还是建筑行业,尤其是建筑屋面装饰方面,如果想后面取@ 得好效果,那么仿古金属瓦的质量就要有保障。那么仿古金属瓦的■质量好坏靠什么辨别呢?

                  Antique metal tile has been used in many fields, but it is common in the construction industry, especially in the building roof decoration, if you want to achieve good results behind, then the quality of antique metal tile must be guaranteed. So what does the quality of antique metal tile depend on to distinguish?


                  Look at the primer on the antique metal shingles. The role of primer is to protect the aluminum tile from the kitchen or bathroom daily life of gusset and aluminum tile bottom joint of the water vapor impact, so that the bottom surface of the ceiling gusset for a long time with water and air contact. It starts to rust and mold until it becomes useless. The quality aluminum tile primer for the integrated ceiling should be evenly applied to the bottom of the board, how evenly so that when carefully observed with the eye, no silver-gray spots will be found dominant.


                  Look at the water absorption rate of archaize metal tile surface. Water absorption is the bottom, help to improve the performance of other more products, such as strength and density will be low with water absorption, there are different degrees of increase, water absorption is low, with the change of climate, thermal expansion and contraction and produce cracking or peeling, so before the purchase, to know more about its water absorption.

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                  Look at the flexibility and strength of antique metal tiles. Take an aluminum gusset and bend it by hand. Broken aluminum shingles bend easily and do not return to their original shape. After bending, there will be a certain rebound effect, which is the difference between the toughness and strength of aluminum. Good aluminum shingles don't bend or fall off in the middle when installed, and are firm.


                  Look at the quality of the film covering the front of the archaize metal tile. See aluminum gusset plate on the edge of the place can be covered film lift. Qualified aluminum gusset plate laminating is compound under high temperature, uncover not come down, can uncover come down is gummy, cannot buy.


                  Look at the dirt on the antique metal tile. If the dirt on the antique metal tile is easy to clean, it proves that the antifouling performance of the antique metal tile is good. Antifouling performance test can produce trace dust. Very good cleaning, proof of antique metal tile quality assurance.


                  When we choose and buy antique metal tile manufacturers, we can use the above method to judge its quality. If you have any other questions about this product, please click http://www.matsuonline.com to consult our customer service staff for detailed answers.
