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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/1/6 9:45:47

                彩钢板的结构可靠,骨架结构为轻钢材料组成,安全可靠;活动房之所以被称为活动房就是因为其装拆便捷,安装方便,且安装工△期短,还有就是活动房的造型美观,设计与色彩搭配协调, 具有良好的装⊙饰效果, 彩钢板在一次组装后能够无数次的整体吊装,搬运简单。
                The structure of color steel plate is reliable, and the skeleton structure is composed of light steel materials, which is safe and reliable; The reason why the movable house is called the movable house is that it is easy to assemble and disassemble, easy to install, and the installation period is short. In addition, the movable house has beautiful appearance, coordinated design and color matching, and has good decorative effect. The color steel plate can be hoisted for countless times after one assembly, and the handling is simple.
                彩钢板结构建筑重量轻、强度高、整体刚性好、变形能力强。彩钢夹芯板既具有ξ钢铁材料机械强度高,易成@ 型的性能,又兼有涂层材料良好的装♀饰性和耐腐蚀性。 彩钢板是当今世界◣推崇 的新¤兴材料。随着科技的进步、环境意识↘的增强,人民生活水平的提高,彩钢夹芯板活动房越来越显示出强大的生命力和广阔的市场前景,受到建筑、家电、机电、交通运输、室内装饰、办公器具以及 其№它行业的青睐。
                The color steel plate structure has the advantages of light weight, high strength, good overall rigidity and strong deformation capacity. Color steel sandwich panel not only has the properties of high mechanical strength and easy forming of steel materials, but also has good decoration and corrosion resistance of coating materials. Color steel plate is a new material respected in the world. With the progress of science and technology, the enhancement of environmental awareness and the improvement of people's living standards, color steel sandwich panel movable houses show more and more strong vitality and broad market prospects, and are favored by construction, household appliances, electromechanical, transportation, interior decoration, office appliances and other industries.
                彩钢板不仅有涂▼层材料良好的装饰性和耐腐蚀性。具有钢铁材料机械强度高,易成㊣型的性能,又兼有涂层材料良好的装饰性和耐腐蚀性。 彩钢板会出现不同程度的隔音不好的现象,采取怎 样有效的隔音措施:
                Color steel plate not only has good decoration and corrosion resistance of coating materials. It has the properties of high mechanical strength and easy forming of steel materials, as well as good decoration and corrosion resistance of coating materials. The color steel plate will have poor sound insulation in varying degrees. How to take effective sound insulation measures:

                7.30 (4).jpg其实 彩钢板只能做隔壁和门,彩钢板活动房『居住是不成问题的,不过民房有民房的使⊙用习惯,如果你觉得∮彩钢板做墙壁很好看就满意了,不在于︼牢固与否,隔音效果等等以及其他问题,那就应 该〓没有问题,当然地面和支撑你是不可能用彩钢板来做的,房屋的基本承重结构还得钢筋水泥。现在的建筑材料大多都比彩钢板贵的,如果你想跟胶合板比那可能彩钢板会贵些。
                In fact, the color steel plate can only be used as the next door and door. It is not a problem to live in the color steel plate movable house. However, civil houses have the habit of using civil houses. If you feel that the color steel plate makes the wall very good, you are satisfied, not whether it is firm or not, sound insulation effect and other problems, there should be no problem. Of course, you can't use color steel plate for the ground and support, The basic load-bearing structure of the house also needs reinforced concrete. Most of the current building materials are more expensive than color steel plate. If you want to compare with plywood, color steel plate may be more expensive.
                彩钢板的准确度相对较高、装置 便利、施工周期短≡,是工业化程度相对来说是的一种结构; 彩钢板修〒建很少会影响环境,在抗震方面的功能比较好,还比较适用在各种不同的的气 候条件以及●大气环境; 彩钢板可以节约地 基的支出费用,还能够节约用〓水,在控制造价方面比较便利,还能循环使用,减少建筑垃♀圾。
                Color steel plate has relatively high accuracy, convenient installation and short construction period. It is a structure with relatively high degree of industrialization; The construction of color steel plate will rarely affect the environment. It has good seismic function and is more suitable for various climatic conditions and atmospheric environment; Color steel plate can not only save the expenditure of foundation, but also save water. It is more convenient in controlling the cost, but also can be recycled and reduce construction waste.
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