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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/1/8 14:36:44

                1. 检查:查看仿古琉璃瓦的包装箱上是否有厂名、厂址以及产品名称、规格、等级、数量、商标、生产日期和执行的标准。检查有没有出∞厂合格证、产品有无破损,箱内所装产◆品的数量、质量是否与包装箱上的内容一致。
                1. Inspection: check whether there is the factory name, address, product name, specification, grade, quantity, trademark, production date and executive standard on the packaging box of antique glazed tile. Check whether there is factory certificate, whether the products are damaged, and whether the quantity and quality of the products in the box are consistent with those on the packing box.
                2. 看:质量好※的仿古琉璃瓦面应平滑、细腻,光泽晶莹亮丽,亚光卐釉柔和舒适。在充足的自然光线或日光灯照射下,将仿古琉璃瓦∑ 放在1米远处垂直观察,应看不到明显△的釉面缺陷,产品无色差
                2. Look: the surface of antique glazed tiles with good quality should be smooth, delicate, shiny and bright, and the matte glaze should be soft and comfortable. Under sufficient natural light or fluorescent lamp irradiation, place the antique glazed tile at a distance of 1m and observe vertically. There should be no obvious glaze defects and the product has no color difference
                7.30 (6).jpg3. 听:可以轻轻敲打仿古琉璃瓦,细听其声音。质ζ 量较好的产品,听声音清脆,说明仿古琉璃瓦密度和硬度高∴,质量好。劣质产品,敲击时会发出“空空”的声音
                3. Listening: you can gently tap the antique glazed tile and listen to its sound carefully. The products with good quality have a crisp sound, indicating that the antique glazed tiles have high density and hardness and good quality. Poor quality products will make an "empty" sound when knocked
                4. 试:要选择吸水率低的仿【古琉璃瓦,可以测测它的吸水率,吸水※率越低,代表仿古琉璃瓦的内在稳定性越高,也就越适合▆湿气或水分含量较高的空间。
                4. Try: to select the antique glazed tile with low water absorption, you can measure its water absorption. The lower the water absorption, the higher the internal stability of the antique glazed tile, and the more suitable for the space with high moisture or moisture content.
