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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/2/14 16:14:49


                The first is glazed tile, which has the advantages of good flatness, good water resistance, folding resistance, frost resistance, acid and alkali resistance and not easy to fade. The disadvantages are easy to deform, crack, short service life, a little stingy on the whole, high price and difficult to produce. I believe many people may give up using this material because of the cost.
                Metal tile
                Then there is the cement tile, which has the advantages of high density, high strength, good rain and frost resistance, flat surface, good heat insulation and long service life; The disadvantages are low grade, easy to fade and high maintenance cost. This kind of tile can save some costs at that time, but it always needs maintenance. In fact, in general, it can not effectively save costs, mainly because it can not reflect the beauty of the building. We don't want to choose this kind of tile.
                There is also slate tile, which has the advantages of strong flexibility, good frost resistance, good flatness, small color difference, high bending strength and low calcium, iron and sulfur content; The disadvantage is that the maintenance is troublesome and the service life is not long; Therefore, this kind of material with short durability is not worth using. It is not only a waste of cost, but also a waste of trouble.
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                其实ξ 金属瓦的种类有很多。其中金属瓦当中的金属复合瓦是很受欢迎的,金属复合瓦不论是性能还是颜色,都是同种类型屋面瓦不具备的性质。以下就是金属复合瓦产品特点:
                In fact, there are many kinds of metal tiles. Among the metal tiles, the metal composite tile is very popular. Whether it is performance or color, the metal composite tile is a property that the same type of roof tile does not have. The following are the product features of metal composite tile:
                1. Unique texture and color of metal: noble metal texture and rich color make architecture an art;
                2. Soft material: suitable for geometric and special-shaped Roofs: such as double curvature, reverse curvature, ball, cone, arc, etc. The special-shaped structure that can not be realized by traditional materials is solved;
                3. Light weight and zero loss: the weight per square meter is about 10kg, which is 1 / 6 of that of traditional ceramic tiles and other products It can greatly reduce the load of building structure and is also convenient for transportation and installation.
                4. Simple and fast construction: the installation process of roof tiles has changed the traditional keel construction process, which is directly paved after the cement mortar leveling of the structural layer, effectively reducing the construction time.
                The above is the knowledge brought to you today. Antique metal tiles have focused on the industry for many years and continuously provide users with valuable content. Please continue to pay attention to us for more content: http://www.matsuonline.com
