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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2022/3/7 9:49:15

                彩钢夹芯板隔断商品是由双层成型金属面板(或别的原材【料面板)和立即在面板正中间聚氨酯发泡、熟成成型的◇高分子材料隔热保温替芯构成。彩钢夹芯板商品是由ξ 双层成型金属面板(或别的原材料面〓板)和立即在面板正中间聚氨酯发泡、熟成成型的高分子材料隔热保温替芯构成。这种彩钢夹芯板制成品有利于安裝、质轻、高效率。添充系统︼软件应用的也是闭泡分子式,能够 避免水蒸气的凝固。表层厚钢板的成型考虑到了构造和抗压强度规定,并兼具美观大∩方,内整体面层成型为平板电脑以融入各种各样必▅须。

                The color steel sandwich panel partition commodity is composed of a double-layer formed metal panel (or other raw material panel) and a polymer material heat insulation replacement core immediately foamed and matured in the middle of the panel. The color steel sandwich panel commodity is composed of a double-layer formed metal panel (or other raw material panel) and a high molecular material heat insulation replacement core immediately foamed and matured in the middle of the panel. The finished product of color steel sandwich panel is conducive to installation, light weight and high efficiency. The filling system software also applies the closed bubble molecular formula, which can avoid the solidification of water vapor. The forming of the surface thick steel plate takes into account the requirements of structure and compressive strength, and is beautiful and generous. The internal integral surface layer is formed into a tablet computer to integrate various necessary factors.

                彩钢夹芯板隔断金属面板与非金属面板二种。金属面板易生产加工,能够 制成各种①形状,但一些场所非金属面板拥有金属面板所不如的功效,如耐腐蚀、耐撞→击层面等。

                Color steel sandwich panel separates metal panel and non-metal panel. Some non-metallic panels are less resistant to corrosion than those made of non-metallic panels.


                Color steel sandwich panel partition - Characteristics of sandwich panel partition

                1、质量※轻每平米净重小于24kg,能够 充足降低构造工程造价。

                1. Light weight, the net weight per square meter is less than 24kg, which can fully reduce the cost of structural engineering.

                2、安裝便捷重量轻,插接、安裝及能够 随便激光切割的特性,决定其安裝的简单,可提高产量,节约施工期。


                2. The characteristics of convenient installation, light weight, plug-in, installation and random laser cutting determine the simplicity of installation, which can improve the output and save the construction period.


                3. The psychoanalytic therapy raw materials and thermal insulation materials of fireproof and color steel composite cored board are non combustible or flame retardant raw materials, and the provisions of fire protection specifications can be considered.


                4. Fireproof, the color steel plate solved by unique coating is kept fresh for 10-15 years. After that, the service life of the plate is more than 35 years after spraying anti-corrosion materials every 10 years


                5. Beautiful and generous, the wire frame with clear profiled plate is up to dozens of colors, which can cooperate with the needs of all design styles of housing construction


                6. Thermal insulation common thermal insulation materials include: rock wool board, glass wool board, polyethylene, polyurethane materials, etc., with low heat transfer coefficient and excellent practical effect of thermal insulation.


                7. Environmental protection, noise prevention, sound insulation and noise reduction, and the compressive strength of sandwich panel reaches 40-50 dB. It is a very reasonable sound-absorbing material

                8、延展性强压型板能够 随意激光切割,够考虑独特设计方案的必须.

                8. The malleable profiled plate can be laser cut at will, which is necessary to consider the unique design scheme


                9. High strength high-strength steel plate is selected as the plate, and the anti prestress compressive strength is 5600 (kg / cm2), plus excellent design scheme and roll forming, which has excellent structural characteristics.


                Above is the introduction and characteristics of color steel sandwich panel partition. I firmly believe that you will have a more comprehensive grasp of it. No matter what kind of engineering and architectural effect you take it as, you should master its characteristics before it can be used properly and achieve the desired goal.
