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                作者:山东超光耀金属材料有限公司 来源:http://www.matsuonline.com 日期:2021/12/27 10:16:59

                Glassy magnesium coloured steel plate, also known as glass magnesium rock wool board or Magnesium Oxide board, is a magnesium gel material made of Magnesium Oxide, magnesium chloride and water three series, which is made of collocation and modifier. It is made of medium alkali glass fiber reinforced plastic and light flashing composite nonflammable decorative material.
                Glass magnesium color steel plate is processed by special production technology, and its fire resistance is very good. At the same time, glass magnesium color steel plate also has the characteristics of waterproof, tasteless, non-toxic, no freezing, no corrosion, no cracking, no deformation, non combustion, high strength, portability, convenient construction and long service life. It is a composite with special properties in similar domestic products.
                Glass magnesium plate has higher strength, good flatness and good fire resistance than ordinary rock wool plate. Hollow glass magnesium plate is a kind of glass magnesium color steel plate. It has the advantages of light weight, fire resistance, simple construction and cost saving. Therefore, it is very suitable for partition walls, temporary house walls, steel structure houses, etc.

                7.30 (8).jpg玻镁彩钢板的应用:
                Application of glass magnesium color steel plate:
                It can be used as board wall, decorative ceiling board, fireproof wood, fireproof, packing box and other applications. It can replace wooden man-made board as interior decoration products such as wall, window panel, door frame and furniture. It can also be made according to the mixed paint and cold water paint that must be made. Glass magnesium color steel plate can also be made into a variety of surfaces (in addition to being used in wet and cold natural environment projects such as villa basement, building fire control and coal mine), glass magnesium color steel plate can be combined with a variety of thermal insulation materials to make composite thermal insulation plates, such as color glass magnesium sandwich plate. In a word, glass magnesium color steel plate, as a new type of composite material, has better fire resistance and wider application range than ordinary color steel plate. With the development of glass magnesium color steel plate production process With the continuous improvement of Ping, I believe there will be a broader market prospect.
                The above is the main content of color steel composite board to share with you. Please continue to pay attention to us for more wonderful content: /
